Of all the sports-related injuries that occur each year, 20% involve dental injuries. Out of those dental injuries, the vast majority occur for one simple reason. The athlete, whatever their age, isn’t wearing a mouthguard. Wearing mouthguards is an integral part of keeping your teeth safe while you live an active life. Learning how to pick the right one can be a challenge. There are a few specific types, each with its benefits and drawbacks. We’ll be discussing them below.
Mouthguards are dental appliances that protect the teeth from impact injury. These mouth protectors can reduce the risk of injury from impacts. Blows to the face can cut the cheek or tongue, lacerate a lip, or break a tooth. The information available from the CDC emphasizes the importance of mouthguards. Their records show that over 3 million teeth get knocked out at youth sporting events. Wearing a mouthguard could have prevented this injury.
There are three categories of mouthguards available:
There is a standard list of sports that require mouthguards provided by the ADA. This list includes some of the most physical sports. Among them, falls, impacts and dental injuries are common without mouthguards. They advise that those playing the following sportswear mouthguards:
This list is far from complete. If the sport you’re playing doesn’t appear on this list, seek other guidance. You can speak to your dentist or speak to other participants to get their advice. If nothing else, be sure to wear a mouthguard while playing. If you learn that it isn’t necessary, then you can remove it.
With the onset of summer, many children are getting outside and active again. If you want to make sure yours survives the summer without a dental injury, get them a mouthguard. Wearing them is a good practice, especially when spending a lot of time outdoors.