There are significant benefits for patients who receive orthodontic care. Our teeth’ alignment is essential in protecting their overall health, even in our earliest years. When our primary teeth come in, they set the stage for our adult teeth to arrive. Being correctly aligned keeps them healthy and ensures the jaw develops enough space for those adult teeth to come in straight. Misalignments also cause gaps that are difficult to clean and can hide plaque, tartar, and food debris. Thankfully orthodontic care is typically painless, with reports of post-treatment discomfort rare.

Managing Post-Orthodontic Discomfort When It Appears

When post-orthodontic pain does occur, it’s typically the result of inflammation and irritation from the appliance. Some patients may experience discomfort from the teeth beginning to move as well. However, this discomfort doesn’t tend to last longer than a couple of weeks. Managing it during this period can typically be managed using the following approaches:

The above tips and tricks will help ensure that your discomfort is managed during the first couple of weeks. However, it’s important you communicate your experience to your dentist and keep them updated. Ongoing discomfort is often a sign of something going awry with your treatment and may need intervention to correct it.

Contact Your Dentist About Post-Orthodontic Pain

If you’ve recently undergone orthodontic treatment and have been experiencing persistent discomfort, speak to your dentist. They’ll provide consultation and go over the details of your care. If they feel it necessary, they’ll have you come in for a follow-up exam to ensure that everything is proceeding smoothly. If any concerns are found, they’ll take steps to address them and get you back on course for that beautiful smile you crave. Contact your dental provider today and talk to them about your concerns!