The Ultimate Guide to Braces For Kids

Child with braces

Braces are standard for most children. Many children are excited about braces. In their eyes, it’s a rite of passage that signals their growing up. As a parent, they may be less exciting, especially if you don’t know what to expect when your child needs braces. It’s essential to get your dentist’s input when it’s time to get braces for your child, and that input can also help your child understand how they should care for their braces.

The Ultimate Guide to Braces For Your Child

Thirty years ago, braces weren’t considered a standard treatment. Over the years, braces have become more socially acceptable for children. However, increases in sugary diets and a lack of fluoride-based products have made braces more necessary. If your child needs braces, the first step is to make an appointment with your dentist. Your dentist will address your concerns and determine whether your child needs braces. Braces are used for many different reasons. Overcrowding, overbites, and underbites are a few of those reasons. But what are the other reasons your child might need braces? 

  • Losing primary teeth too early
  • Problems chewing or biting food
  • Breathing through the mouth
  • Sucking on their thumb
  • Overcrowded teeth
  • Protruding, receding or shifting jaws
  • Teeth that meet or don’t meet abnormally
  • Disproportionate jaw

If your dentist determines your child needs braces, they’ll refer you to an orthodontist. An orthodontist is a dental professional specializing in correcting misalignments. Ultimately, the orthodontist will determine what treatment your child needs. While braces are the most prevalent treatment for teenagers and preteens, there is no set age for a child’s first orthodontic visit. Some dentists recommend visiting an orthodontist at seven. At this age, concerns can be addressed early to prevent further damage. Beginning checkups are early as age seven gives you time to monitor issues before they’re severe.

Because there isn’t a set age for braces, orthodontists decide individually. Some children need braces earlier than others. But the average age for braces is fourteen. By the time your child is fourteen, they’ll have permanent teeth. Despite recommending orthodontic visits as early as seven, braces are usually not fitted until twelve. Your child needs their 12-year molars and must have lost their primary teeth. If your orthodontist determines your child would benefit from braces, they can prevent future problems from escalating. Orthodontists use preventative measures, like palatal expanders, to ensure that permanent teeth grow in the correct position. and Their Braces

At Kids World Pediatric Dental, we can help you and your child navigate the challenging waters of braces. We want your child to be excited about braces, but we also want you to be informed when deciding to make an appointment for braces. As a parent, you’re already navigating the challenges of raising a teenager. We want you to know that braces and orthodontics are taken care of. Call one of our nationwide offices or visit us online to schedule a screening for your child. If we determine your child needs braces, we can fit them and install them.

Dr. Mayuri Appareddy

Dr. Mayuri Appareddy
cares for medically complex and special needs children with experience and compassion. Her appreciation for the parent-child bond has led her to earn her degree in Doctor of Dental Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania and help children receive dental treatment in Richmond, TX at Kids 360 Pediatric Dentistry.

Dr. Mayuri Appareddy

Dr. Mayuri Appareddy
cares for medically complex and special needs children with experience and compassion. Her appreciation for the parent-child bond has led her to earn her degree in Doctor of Dental Medicine at The University of Pennsylvania and help children receive dental treatment in Richmond, TX at Kids 360 Pediatric Dentistry.