We all have the potential to experience a dental injury at some point in our lives. These injuries can vary in severity from mild to traumatic. A dental concussion is one type of dental injury often experienced by toddlers, though patients of any age can experience this kind of injury. Dental concussions occur in the same way that cranial concussions do. A severe impact to the tooth that doesn’t cause it to be knocked out but still causes injury to the tooth. Emergency dental care isn’t generally necessary for a dental concussion. However, this kind of injury can cause the tooth to become discolored on a temporary or permanent basis. Kids 360 Pediatric Dentistry put together this guide to help parents know what steps to take if their child experiences a dental concussion.
Dental concussions are a form of dental injury that often occurs as part of accidents, sports, or simple mishaps. When a concussion happens, it’s not uncommon for the tooth to be tender to the touch or to feel tender when tapped. However, the tooth will typically not show any signs of being loose, nor with they be moved out of position. Some dental concussions can be severe enough that they cause the tooth to change color as a result of bruising to the dental pulp. Others will lack any visible signs to indicate their presence. If you’re concerned about a dental concussion, you can see our team to receive a pulp sensibility test. A positive result from such a test indicates a vital pulp, while a negative test indicates that the pulp is not healing properly. Recognizing the presence of a dental concussion can help protect your teeth and maintain lasting oral health.
While physical impact is the most common cause of dental concussion, other potential causes exist. Among them are chewing hard candies or ice.
Learn how to protect your children from dental concussions and how to respond if you notice that one may have occurred. Start with a call at (832) 271-6114 or stop by our offices in Richmond, TX, today!